
From: Proceedings 10th World Congress of Cryosurgery
Cryopreservation and cryosurgery

November 1998
Sajio Sumida
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Med. Low Temperature Unit, National Kyushu Medical Center Hospital, Fukuoka, 810-8563, Japan

Two hundred and sixty-six patients of advanced malignant solid tumors were treated with destructive cryosurgery using liquid nitrogen and mega-dose chemotherapy combined with autologous bone marrow transplantation. GM-CSFs and erythropoietin were used to support hematopoiesis. High responders of the poke weed mitogen test, NK cell assays and tuberculin reaction showed longer survivals. These parameters were important to select the candidates of our unique combination therapy of cancer. The viability of bone marrow and cord progenitor cells, which had been frozen in liquid nitrogen using 20% (finally 10%) Me2SO in TC-199 and auto-plasma since 1972, was tested by CFU-GM and BFU-E recoveries. The regression equation for CFU-GM (Y%) and the preservation period (X months) was Y=0.328-0.000128X, and that for BFU-E was Y=0.41-0.00029X as of June 8, 1998. The colony cells expressed makers of glycophorin A, CD4, CD 10, CD 11 B, CD I I C, CD 13, CD 14, CD 16, CD 19, CD20, and CD41. Some marrow cells showed apoptosis: TUNEL staining positive, fluorescent blebbing, and DNA ladder. Anemic 537 patients of uterine cancer were treated with irradiation, chemotherapy and transfusion of frozen/thawed allogeneic red cells, resulted in longer survival in comparison with the recipients of allogeneic whole blood transfusion.


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