
From: Proceedings 10th World Congress of Cryosurgery
New cryosurgical devices for cryolesion of tumors and pain elimination

November 1998
Dr. sc. nat. Ralf Herzog, Institut fur Luft- und Kaltetechnik gerneinnutzige Gesellschaft mbH, Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 20, D-0 1309 Dresden; R Herzog, A Binneberg, H Buschmann, B Schumann, Institut fur Luft- und Kaltetechnik Dresden; U Eckelt,L PaBler, A Raschke, K Ullmann, S Matthes, E Sporl, Universitatsklinikurn der TU Dresden, Klinik fur Mund-, Klefer-, Gesichtschirurgie

In cooperation with different clinical partners was developed new cryosurgical devices for cryotreatment of tumors in the mandible bone and in the oral cavity. The successful cryosurgical procedure for tumor cell destruction needs very high cooling rates, higher than 100 K/min in the time range of cell freezing. For the clinical application, it is necessary to control the cryophysical freezing parameters in the tissue. A tumor of the mandible can be destroyed successfully by cryogenic devitalisation using liquid nitrogen as a coolant. But the size and geometric conditions of bone complicate the cryosurgical lesion. It was developed and evaluated a new flexible liquid nitrogen cooled chamber for borne devitalisation and cryodestruction of malignant tumors with high cooling power performance.

The special conditions of the oral cavity complicate the successful cryolesion, because the high blood flow density in the tissue decreased the freezing depth and worked against a quick and intensive heat extraction. For the intra-oral cryosurgical treatment was developed and evaluated a new special hybrid spray-contact freezing cryoprobe. For the cryophysical evaluation of freezing parameters was used special tissue-like model substances and organic tissue in vitro.

Pain in the head and face area, which are diagnosed as neuralgia are described through a severely on a terminal providing area localized projection pain with a trigger zone. The clinical picture and the symptoms the trigerninal neuralgia are characterized through extreme human burden. A new modem operation procedure is the percutaneous cryosurgery, which essential advantage at the treatment the paroxysmal genuin trigerninal neuralgia facing conventional methods leaves expect.

It was developed a cryosurgical device allowed an improved cryotherapy through introduction of percutaneous freezing method, where the nerve trigerninal is located through penetrating a vacuum- insulated and liquid nitrogen-cooled miniature cryoprobe and is treated through contact freezing.



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